Photo: Konstanze Meindl
English / Deutsch

Thursday Evening Class

This course is for everyone, from absolute beginners to actors who are already in practice. Every Thursday we serve a fine acting lesson specially developed for this course, each of these lessons revolves around a special theme. We occupy ourselves with the improvement of acting self-control in working on text and in improvisation, the building of play sequences, our own sculpturality in time and space and with our interactionability with playing partners. We pay particular attention to the further development of acting speech and deep reading skills. The course is designed as an open class, so a participation on individual dates is possible. An elastic curriculum allows that all levels can learn together.

Previous Lessons

“Thinking of Anne Frütel’s classes, two words come to mind: Professionalism and fun.”
“Anne works with acting in a concrete, useful, material, physical and down-to-earth way.”
“I attended Anne’s classes to work on my poor body awareness and walked out with 100 new lessons. At the end of each lesson, I had an ‘aha’ experience, sometimes a small one, sometimes a bigger one. It wasn’t just my body image that changed, but my entire self-perception. I now realise that my original goal is just one of many. My entire image of myself and everything that is possible for me has changed permanently. And I am infinitely grateful for that.”