Photo: Konstanze Meindl
English / Deutsch

Acting Speech

In this course, we work on the development of the conciseness, richness and variability of the many different layers and dimensions of the actor’s speaking voice. Because only a voice that is ‘well received’ in the various layers of the human auditory perception will unfold its effect in the audience. We work with games and etudes from Jurij Vasiljev training, developed by Jurij Vasiljev, Professor of Phonetics at the St. Petersburg Theatre Academy, Russia. In the core of this training is the ‘acting voice’, which integrates sensation, thought, movement, space, partner and the wider environment into the intentional speaking action and aims to develop the actor’s voice as an instrument for heightened artistic human communication. Jurij Vasiljev’s legendary training with tennis balls is of course also part of this course.

“Through the dialogue and the questions that Anne incorporates into her interactive lessons, blockages are immediately released and the connection with your own impulses is established.”
“Anne always gives very direct and honest feedback, which I personally really appreciate, because that way you know where you stand.”
